Join us on Sunday 10th November for a day of celebrating and preserving our environment with a beach clean, talks and an art demonstration.
The event is being run by our team in collaboration with the Captain Paul Watson Foundation (Neptune's Pirates UK), the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust and local student and artist, Abigail Burt.

Talks and demonstrations at Bombay Bay
9:30am to 11am
Rebecca Gaines from Neptune's Pirates UK will be talking about ocean plastics and coastal debris as part of the Captain Paul Watson Foundation initiative.
Caitlin Woombs from Hampshire and IOW Wildlife Trust will be giving an educational talk about the 'Solent Seascape Project: the 4 habitats' which takes a dive into the incredible habitats of saltmarsh, seagrass, native oysters and coastal birds.
PHD student, artist and berth holder Abigail Burt will be demonstrating her marine-themed art exhibition 'The Tide Line' through the eyes of an artist.
Eastney Peninsula Beach Clean
11am to 12:30pm
Join our marina team and Neptune's Pirates UK in helping to keep the local area tidy and free from plastic with a community beach clean along Eastney Peninsula. Meeting at the marina reception for 11am, a reserve of litter pickers and bin bags will be available to use but we encourage all volunteers to bring their own if possible.
We look forward to seeing you there!