As we enter 2021 Noss on Dart continues to be a hive of activity as the team and external contractors commence the construction of the shoreside marina elements of the development.

The team from Devon Contractors are now back onsite steadily working to complete Phase 1 of the new Commercial Buildings and decked car park at Noss on Dart Marina. The new commercial building will provide a home for prospective and existing marine tenants such as South Devon Marine Academy, each with a beautiful waterside outlook of the River Dart.
Contractors have also started work on the ‘site-wide services’ project, which will involve all new onsite services to be upgraded with a new electric supply, water mains, telecoms and a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure.
This phase of the project is a major milestone in the redevelopment of the site and will involve excavating a trench which will run from the top of the site, down the hill, over the road bridge and down into the commercial development where the first of the four electricity substations will be constructed.