Keep up to date with everything that’s happening at Premier Marinas.
We welcome a new Duty Manager, a second forklift and a berth holder party for the summer.
With summer officially on the way, we have been working hard to ready the marina for the busy season, and are delighted to see more of you getting out on the water.
The 2024 dredging campaign is officially underway and we have been working hard to ready the marina for the busy season.
We are excited to announce you can now view the live depth readings at the cill in Southsea Marina to make the most of your time on the water this summer.
We are so excited to be hosting the 2024 Sea Angling Classic and share all events happening at Port Solent's boardwalk.
We are so excited for our berth holder summer party alongside welcoming a new duty manager and looking ahead to a major project.
With less than two weeks to the 2024 British Motor Yacht Show, Premier’s Swanwick Marina is pulling out all the stops to prepare for what is expected to be the UK’s largest display of motor yachts and motorboats so far this year.
Lock 2 will be closed for a period of time to install the new foot bridge on the outer gates.
We are delighted to announce the 2024 dredging campaign at Brighton Marina will begin in the week commencing 6th May.